Sunday, February 23, 2025

February Prices Update

 Since I was in Walmart about 1 month after I last checked prices, I thought I would look back at the same items from before and see what, if anything, had changed.  Eight out of the 12 items had not changed prices in the past month.  But the other 4 had all increased.

Ground beef up to $5.34 from $4.94 a month ago.

A dozen large eggs up to $5.97 from $4.53 a month ago.  A dozen eggs is now more expensive than a pound of ground beef! The eggs prices are still high due largely to bird flu, but I read that the Department of Agriculture is looking into importing eggs to try to reduce prices.  Corporate greed is likely having some impact here too, though.  According to the New York Times:

But there is at least one winner in the current shortage, which began in 2022: the country’s biggest egg producer.

Cal-Maine Foods, which controls about a fifth of the egg market and sells to Walmart and other large retailers, reported that its revenues jumped to $954 million in the quarter that ended in late November from $523 million from the prior year — an increase of 82 percent. The company said those numbers “were primarily driven by an increase in the net average selling price of shell eggs as well as an increase in total dozens sold.”

The company’s net income surged more than 500 percent, to $218 million, from year-earlier levels, thanks to higher prices, the lower cost of feed and acquisitions of other operators. And prices have shot up even more since the company released its quarterly financial statement. [...]

But as consumers confront empty shelves in their grocery stores and prices soar in some places to over $10 for a dozen eggs, the concentration of egg production in fewer hands is raising concerns, stoked by previous findings. Two years ago, the largest producers were found liable for inflating prices in the 2000s. Now, some lawmakers are calling for federal regulators to investigate the industry.

A gallon of store brand whole milk is up to $4.67 from $4.02 a month ago.

A gallon of diesel fuel is up to $3.52 from $3.34 a month ago.

The interesting thing to me is that the items that have increased don't seem to be things that are imported, but things that I assume are at least mostly products of the USA.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

January 2025 prices

I thought that I'd put this here so that I'd be able to find it easily in the future.  I wanted to document the prices of some staple groceries and gas prices at the beginning of this political term for a few reasons.  One, Trump campaigned on a promise of bringing down grocery prices.  Two, Trump campaigned on raising tariffs, which historically raises the price of goods.  And three, I'd like to have a record of what prices actually were here in Troy, Alabama at the beginning of this political cycle (presidential and congressional), so that if someone's campaign ads in the future reference price changes, I'll have something to compare to. In other words, I'll know if they are telling the truth or lying through their teeth. 

I had hoped to do this on Inauguration Day, but it was the day before a significant snow event in my area (where average seasonal snowfall is zero), and I didn't want to be in Walmart under those circumstances. So here are prices at my local Walmart on Friday, January 24, 2025.

1 pound 73% lean ground beef = $4.94
4 pound bag of Great Value Sugar $3.14
5 pound bag Great Value All-Purpose Flour $2.38
9.6 oz. can of Great Value Coffee $4.44
1 loaf of Great Value white bread $1.42
A dozen large eggs (which they were actually out of) $4.53 (Bird Flu is currently affecting egg prices and availability)
1 pound of Great Value salted butter $3.96 (unsalted was the same price)
1 gallon of Great Value whole milk $4.02
Regular Unleaded Gasoline $2.79/gallon  Diesel fuel $3.34/gallon

Bananas 50 cent/ pound.  I'm really curious what tariffs do to the price of bananas, because I assume they are mostly, if not completely imported.

Avocados 96 cent each.  These aren't exactly a staple item, but everything I've read suggest that tariffs will greatly increase the price of avocados.

My finger (or thumb) is in the pictures because I'm covering up the QR code on all the price labels.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Reading List 2024

Time for my annual reading list post. Pretty pathetic this year.  Here it goes:

  1. Scaredy Cat - Sofie Ryan
  2. Listen to Me - Tess Gerritsen
  3. Fur Love or Money - Sofie Ryan
  4. Lifespan: Why We Age - and Why We Don't Have To - David A. Sinclair & Matthew D. LaPlante
  5. The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
  6. The Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orczy

So I got caught up on my Second Chance Cat Mystery books by Sofie Ryan and the Rizzoli & Isles books by Tess Gerritsen.  I read one non-fiction book that was health related and two classics that I read with my husband.  Not a lot to see here.  No deep dives this year.  In fact, the last book I finished was all the way back in August.  My husband and I are currently reading a novel together, and we originally thought we would finish it before the New Year, but that didn't pan out.

I was much more productive in my creative endeavors in 2024 than I was in my reading.  And that's okay.