Thursday, September 22, 2005

Are they crazy?!

Hurricane Rita spins toward Texas, Gulf Coast - Hurricanes' Wrath -

I would think that after what happened with Hurricane Katrina and the Galveston storm of 1900, everyone would want to evacuate that lived in Galveston. That is apparently not the case.
Jennifer McDonald in Galveston planned to ride Rita out. She and her husband have enough food and water to last 10 days in their wooden house. If it gets really bad, the couple will take to the roof.

“If it goes, it goes,” the 42-year-old nurse said of the house. “We’re completely prepared.”

Anyone who believes that they can be complete prepared for something like this must be either crazy or also prepared to die. I would think that being prepared to die would have to be part of being "completely prepared" to ride out a Cat 5 storm on an island that is only 8 feet above sea level.

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